Call for a new Technician for IDEAS Project Hoang Lien National Park – Sapa

Call for a new Technician for IDEAS Project Hoang Lien National Park – Sapa


About IDEAS Project
IDEAS Project is a project implemented by the French NGO AGRISUD International (, in Hoang Lien National Park, which is located in the North-West of Vietnam (Lao Cai Province, near Sa Pa town: This project is implemented in partnership with the Hoang Lien National Park office and the French Region of Nouvelle Aquitaine, under the financial support of Nouvelle Aquitaine Region and the French Development Agency (AFD). The objective of this 4-year project (2017-2020) is to strengthen and diversify agricultural activities of local minority ethnic groups living within and in the core zone of Hoang Lien National Park. The project is aiming for the sustainable development of the vulnerable communities,using Agroecology principles and practices to promote economically sustainable and resilient to climate change agricultural systems and value-chains. The project aims to reduce the pressure on the environment while securing food access and incomes for the target population. This project is based on the development of 9 agricultural value chains which have the potential to improve the nutrition and incomes of the households (Porcupine, Giao Co Lam – medicinal plant, Beekeeping, Vegetable gardening, Local Chicken, Local Pig, Fruit Trees, Orchids, Shiitake Mushroom). The Phase one, during the first year, 2017, was implemented in 5 villages with 118 beneficiary households. The main objective of this first phase was to study the production feasibility and market opportunities and stability for those 9 models and to support the creation of pilot production units. In 2018 started the second phase of the project with 3 new villages added to the 5 current villages, as well as a target objective of 400 beneficiary households within the 8 villages. The IDEAS Project works in close partnership with the Rangers department of the Hoang Lien National Park to implement the activities and do the following up in the field.


About the role
The IDEAS project is looking for a new technician to extend the project to the new villages. The Technician will:

  • be responsible for the implementation of the activities in the villages.
  • be a link between the beneficiaries, the local authorities, the National Park employees, the Rangers and the Project team.
  • support thecreationand improvement of the technical training material on different agricultural models.
  • animate the technical trainings at village level.
  • achieve regular follow-up at household level on the implementation of the different models.
  • report to the coordinators of the project about the progressof activities with the beneficiary households, as well as ideas of improvement, comments and testimonies from the field. .


Qualifications of the candidate:

  • Graduated in related field of Agronomy, Forestry, Environment
  • Work experience as Agricultural technician
  • Work experience as Field Trainer
  • Experience in meeting animation

Other Skills:

  • Driving skills on bad roads
  • Good knowledge on Microsoft Pack Office
  • GIS skills is a plus
  • Good English speaking
  • Strong communication skills, open-minded, ability to listen
  • Autonomous, curious and innovative
  • Diplomacy and ability to adjust your communication depending on your interlocutors
  • Language skills in Hmong language is a plus
  • Sharing Agrisud’s Values: Fighting poverty through entrepreneurship, Promoting equality between men and women, Protecting the natural environment through agroecology, Contributing to food security, Knowledge sharing and capacity building.


Work base:

  • Hoang Lien National Park, core zones.
  • Office: Tổ 11b – đường Nguyễn Chí Thanh – Thị trấn Sa Pa – Huyện Sa Pa – tỉnh Lào Cai
  • Field Work: 8 villages of the Hoang Lien National Park in 3 communes.

Job advantage:

  • Status: Local contract under the supervision of the Hoang Lien National Park
  • Insurance
  • Phone fees
  • Working vehicle: motorbike
  • Computer

Under supervision of: Coordinatorsof IDEAS Project – AGRISUD International.

In close collaboration with:

  • Hoang Lien National Park Headboard.
  • Hoang Lien Forest Station.
  • Scientific Department, the CRCO – Center of Rescue and Conservation of Organism.
  • The authorities of the Communes and target villages.

Offer open until:

Send your application (Resume and cover letter, in English) to:


  • 12pm 16th May, 2018, – Interviews will be done in Sapa the 17, 18, 19 of May 2018.