Call for application: Market communication consultant / firm – GI regional project

Call for application: Market communication consultant / firm – GI regional project


Overall background of GI Regional project

The French Development Agency has been supporting the development of the protection of Geographical Indications in South-East Asia since nearly 15 years, through support project at national level (Cambodia, Laos) and regional level. The project entitled “Promotion and recognition of Geographical Indications (GI) in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar has been prepared by AFD since 2018, and has started its implementation phase on the 6th of January 2020, for the duration of three years. A consortium gathering GRET, ARTE-FACT, CIRAD, Iram, Certipaq and REDD has been entrusted by AFD to act as the project implementing agency. In each country, the consortium is working in coordination with the Departments of Intellectual Property, in charge of GI registration and supervision. GI management associations (existing or to be established) are the other key stakeholder that the project is supporting in order to build the capacities for an effective management of selected Geographical Indications. The project is targeting in priority the following value-chains:

  • Lao PDR: Khao Kai Noi rice, Komaen tea.
  • Myanmar: Shwe Bo Paw San rice.
  • Cambodia: Kampot sea salt, Kampong Speu palm sugar, Kampot pepper, Mondulkiri wild honey.
Khao Kai Noi and Komaen tea

Khao Kai Noi and Komaen tea are among the Geographical Indication names already registered and protected in Lao PDR. Yet they are still in the process to fully implement the certification of the compliance with the quality and production method requirements as well as the verification of origin (traceability).

Objectives and scope of work of market promotion consultant

To assist the Khao Kai Noi and Komaen tea associations and working groups in the communication and promotion activities, the GI regional project would like to recruit a Laos-based market communication consultant / firm.


The overall objective is to develop a clear commercial image of Khao Kai Noi and Komaen tea brand, and to help the association to develop and implement a relevant and efficient promotion strategy to build consumers awareness and trust in the two GIs.

Tasks and responsibilities of the consultant

The selected consultant team will have to provide input and help to facilitate meetings with Komaen tea association and Khao Kai Noi associations working groups on promotion, and to undertake the following tasks:

  • Identification of key brand value, attributes / unique proposition to enhance;
  • Graphic design of a logo for each of the two GI products (2 to 3 rounds of elaboration / validation with the association’s working groups);
  • Development, in consultation with stakeholders, of promotion strategy (based on prioritized objectives) for each of the two GIs;
  • Development, in consultation with stakeholders, of a promotion action plan for each of the two GIs, taking into
    account existing distribution channels of the products packaged in Laos by stakeholders;
  • Design promotion material (posters, leaflets, standing banners, banners… in Lao or English or bilingual) and supervise the work of a printing house to be selected by the project (quality pictures will be provided by the project, but the applicant can also propose the mobilisation of a professional photographer as an additional option).
  • Provide advices, coaching / training to the association and key stakeholders in the implementation of the first promotion activities.

During the assignment implementation, the regional project team and task force members will provide general coordination and supervision for this assignment.

Localisation, Time input and Timeframe

This assignment will be fully implemented in Lao PDR and mainly in Vientiane:

For Khao Kai Noi, a number of millers / packagers are based in Vientiane capital, and the working group meetings could take place in Vientiane, mainly, with some participants traveling from the provinces, or with the possibility to also have some on-line meetings or hybrid meetings. Yet, it would be desirable for the consultant to travel at least one time to Xiengkhouang or Huaphan.

For Komaen tea, key processors and packagers are based in Phongsaly district, Phongsaly province, and it would be necessary to plan at least two or three trips on side, and additional meetings at distance (on line). Some meetings can also be done in Vientiane, combined with the travel of Phongsaly stakeholders in Vientiane, for instance for promotion events.

Service provider / consultant profile


Both individual consultant or companies registered in Lao PDR are eligible to apply for the provision of this service.

Key Qualifications of the Consultant

Key qualifications of the consultant / consultants team shall cover the following items:

  • Background in marketing and communication;
  • At least 7 years of professional experience in promotion / marketing / advertising;
  • Strategic thinking in marketing and communication;
  • Experience of promotion event management and marketing/promotion though social media;
  • Graphic design capacities (provision of previous samples of work done for logo/brand development and for communication material development to be presented as part of the consultant selection process);
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Excellent listening skills and adaptability;
  • Language: both Lao and English are mandatory;
  • Passionate and engaged for the promotion of Lao quality products;
  • Knowledge of Lao markets and Lao consumer profiles and behaviours is an asset;
  • Experience of work in support to collective marketing / promotion campaigns (with business association, federations, inter-professional bodies…) is an advantage.

Procedure for application

  • The announcement for the recruitment of service provider is published on: 29/07/2022.
  • Interested service providers are entitled to ask questions of clarification on the terms of reference, no later than 12/08/2022. GRET Laos will reply to questions raised by applicant within 1 week after this deadline.
  • Interested service providers are invited to notify GRET Laos of their interest and intention to submit an offer no later than 12/08/2022. [Note: it is not mandatory to send this expression of interest, but doing so will allow you to receive questions (raised by other applicants) and answers from GRET on the ToR, or possibly to be invited to join an information meeting for bidders if any].
  • Interested service providers shall send their full technical offer and financial offer to GRET-Laos in soft copy (PDF) by e-mail (see addresses below), no later than 02/09/ 2022.
  • Technical and financial offers shall consist in the following:
    • Application letter signed by authorized company representative.
    • Company profile (for Lao branch) and experience in similar service.
    • Reference of similar services provided (can include examples of logos and/or promotion material developed of market promotion campaigns managed).
    • Brief description of the proposed approach for implementation of the service including time line, and time input of the officers / experts involved.
  • Brief presentation (+ CV in appendix) of the member of the team proposed.
  • Financial proposal, dated and signed by the company authorised representative.
    • The financial proposal shall be valid for at least 60 days from the date of the deadline to send application (date of validity shall be written on the financial proposal and compliant with this requirement).
    • The contract is foreseen to be a lump-sum contract, with payments based on accepted deliverables, yet the offer shall present how the price is calculated (fees of officers / experts + other costs for travels, meetings, etc.), and a breakdown of the price by deliverable. (See Annex 1, Table 1)
    • The price shall be in US Dollars and be inclusive of all taxes and duties.
    • The financial offer shall indicate the price of the service for Khao Kai Noi and for Komaen tea separately, and the total (See Annex 1, Table 2).
    • Completed “Statement of Integrity, Eligibility and Social and Environmental Responsibility” (See standard form in Annex 2 herewith).

ToR and Guidelines for application are available to download Here!

Applications (and other communication with GRET) shall be sent to the following e-mail address:


With copies to:

Please indicate in the subject of the e-mail: “Application – Support promotion of Khao Kai Noi and Komaen tea / GILA-22-02”.

Application file shall be sent electronically in PDF format only. The size of the file shall not be above 8 MB (Applicants may split the document and send it in up to 3 files maximum if needed).