With an increased access to electricity and internet, rural populations in Cambodia currently have better chances to access media on a variety of electronic devices, ranging from TVs, radios,  smartphones and many other tools. However, the records of the level of agricultural media accessed  by farmers are scarce, while the majority of the populations are farmers. The communication media  study was initiated with an aim to contribute to bring this untold situation to light. The study was  introduced by Agroecology Learning Alliance in Southeast Asia (ALiSEA) under the support of GRET,  and it was jointly developed by 12 ALiSEA Cambodia’s members.

The  study  was  developed  with  2  main  objectives  including  (1)  determining  media  channels disseminating agriculture knowledge and information that most farmers depend on and how farmers  access  to  those  sources,  and  (2)  identifying  types  of  agricultural  information  and  knowledge  disseminated to farmers by different stakeholders, and approaches that stakeholders apply to reach  target audience.

The research covered a period of 5 months from June to October 2018. It started with the meeting with ALiSEA members to plan and develop the research methodologies, data collection and analysis.  In the study there were 354 individual farmer interviews in 10 province and 5 focus group discussions  conducted to answer objective 1. There were also involvements from 13 organizations in the online  survey to achieve objective 2.

Full report and Poster are available download below: