Announcement Description
In 2016, four Belgian University NGOs (ECLOSIO, FUCID, Louvain Coopération, and ULB Coopération) have decided to join forces and strengthen their synergies through the creation of the entity “Uni4Coop” and the mutual engagement in the implementation of one common program funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD).
In Cambodia, the Uni4Coop Program is implemented by, ECLOSIO and Louvain Coopération (LC), and has 3 Specific Objectives (SO) tackling two sectors, Agriculture/Rural Economy and Health. ECLOSIO and LC are both involved in the agriculture and economic sector (SO1 and SO2), LC alone is involved in the health sector (SO3). Within the framework of the 2017-2021 Uni4Coop program, two evaluations are planned: a Mid-Term Review (MTR) conducted in 2019 and a Final Evaluation to be conducted in 2021.
This ToR aims to specify the scope of the Final Evaluation to be performed in Cambodia for the Agriculture and Economic sector.
Bid Components
Expert/Evaluation Team to Perform Final Evaluation Program 2017-2021
Call for Proposals
- Location: Phnom Penh
Objectives of the final evaluation are as follows:
The overall purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and recommend specific measures for further improvement in relation to the design, implementation, or the M&E of the programme. The final evaluation shall demonstrate accountability for results and inform broader programme assessments. Conclusions retrieved from this Final Evaluation will be used for the improvement of the planned strategies of the new program.
Global approach
This is an external evaluation. The theme on which this Final Evaluation focuses was retrieved from common interest elements between LC and Eclosio in Cambodia.
The Scope of Work (SOW) detailed in the ToR will be reviewed by the evaluation team and the evaluation steering committee together with the selected evaluator in order to achieve the desired results and objectives at a feasible and measurable level.
Time schedule
The completion of this work is expected to take approximately from Mid-December 2021 to February 2022 following signing the contract. The submission of the final report is expected to be submitted on March 31st 2022 and the final version published in June 2022. However, the timetable stated in point A.7.1. of the ToR is indicative only, leaving to the evaluator team to propose a timetable that will fit to their availability; this should be also specified in the proposal.
The maximum budget available is 12,000.00 EUR including tax.
Bidder Eligibility
Proposals must provide the following:
- An understanding note of the ToR, as well as how the context and the evaluation questions were understood in relation to the Theory of Change;
- A description of the methodological approach envisaged to answer the questions and objectives set out in the ToR, detailing the tools for collecting information, the profile of involved persons, etc.
- An indicative timetable of the mission as well as an estimate of the costs in terms of person/day.
- A presentation of the expert(s) highlighting the aspects particularly relevant to the intended evaluation;
- The profile of the expert (s) (max 3 pages per CV), references, and
- A financial offer including the detailed budget in euros including tax of the service
Submission Requirements
Technical and financial offers should be sent electronically to the emails provided in the contact details.
For more information, please download the detailed Terms of Reference (ToR):
Contact Details
Closing Date: