Insights from Integrated Farming Practices in Xiengkhouang

Insights from Integrated Farming Practices in Xiengkhouang

On August 30, 2024, the Agroecology Learning Alliance in Southeast Asia (ALiSEA) in Laos hosted an insightful online thematic talk titled “Harmony in the Fields: Integrated Farming in Xiengkhouang.” The event saw participation from 25 individuals, with 20 attendees joining via Zoom and another 5 through a Facebook livestream. This gathering highlighted the importance of integrated farming practices in the region, particularly in Xiengkhouang Province, and featured valuable contributions from government staff and experts in the field.

Harmony in the Fields: Integrated Farming in Xiengkhouang

The discussion was enriched by two esteemed speakers: Mr. Khambua Keovilay, Deputy of the Agriculture Section at the Xiengkhouang Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO), and Mrs. Sidavanh Ouanevilay from the Agriculture and Forestry Office of Paek District. Both shared their extensive experience and insights into sustainable agricultural practices that have been successfully implemented in their respective areas.

Mr. Khambua Keovilay focused on integrated cropping within the tea plantation system, a significant initiative undertaken in collaboration with the ASSET project. He discussed how this approach not only enhances the productivity of tea plantations but also promotes biodiversity and environmental sustainability. His presentation underscored the benefits of integrating multiple crops within a single farming system, a practice that has shown promise in increasing yield and reducing dependency on single-crop farming. [presentation]

On the other hand, Mrs. Sidavanh Ouanevilay shared her experiences in growing organic vegetables and raising poultry, activities supported by the Sustainable Agriculture & Environment Development Association (SAEDA). Her presentation highlighted the importance of organic farming and the role of diversified agricultural practices in improving food security and livelihoods for local communities. She emphasized how these methods contribute to the overall health of the ecosystem while providing nutritious food options for the population. [presentation]

Harmony in the Fields: Integrated Farming in Xiengkhouang

The event provided a platform for knowledge sharing and discussion, reinforcing the importance of integrated farming practices in achieving sustainable agriculture in Xiengkhouang Province. The participation of local experts and government officials added depth to the conversation, offering practical examples of how these methods are being applied on the ground.

As ALiSEA continues to promote agroecology and sustainable farming practices in Southeast Asia, events like these play a crucial role in building a community of practitioners dedicated to improving agricultural systems and ensuring food security for future generations.

You can watch the recorded video here