The Agriculture Technology and Social Action (ATSA) and The Thai Education Foundation/The Field Alliance have organized one day workshop on “Pesticide Residues and Test Kits for Food Safety” on 19th December 2017 at the Tonle Bassac II Restaurant in Phnom Penh.
The workshop aims to share the knowledge and efforts in studying the impacts of pesticides to health and environment and residues testing carried out in Thailand and build capacity of interested agencies in the uses of test kits to detect pesticides residues in vegetables and fruits and other toxic chemicals used to treat products.
The flows of chemical pesticides and agricultural products are now appeared in all countries with very little effort to regularly and effectively checking the chemicals residues in foods within local markets and cross border check points. Improper and excessive pesticide use poses severe risks to human being as the toxic residues get into the food chain with negative consequences for health.
There are 32 people from different NGOs/IOs, relevant government institutions, farmers, teachers and ATSA staffs attended the event. Blood test was conducted in the workshop while 18 participants agreed to do the blood test to find out whether chemical pesticide, Organophosphat (OP) and Carbamate (C), residue in blood. As result, 15 participants found expose to OP and C, which 10 participants found at risk level and 5 found at unsafe level. Only three participants found safe from OP and C.
All presentations are available for download hereafter: