The Lao Farmers Network is a network of farmer organizations of 31 farmer organizations from 11 provinces. The network has more than 4000 members.
The Lao Farmers Network was setup in 2014 by 17 Farmer Organizations with a purpose to strengthening cooperation among small holder farmers. Key activities include information sharing, farmer to farmer learning and policy dialogues. The network also support each members in different ways including organizational development, organizational management, improving farming techniques, processing and marketing.
Public-Producer-Private Sector Partnership Meeting of Lao Farmer Network & Lao Farmer Network Annual Meeting have been held in 30-31 January, 2019. The events were co-organized by Department of Technical Extension and Agro – Processing (DTEAP) & Lao Farmer Network, Preliminary meeting of farmer representative, more than 80 participants of representatives of 10 provinces from all remote part of Laos.
The objectives of this meeting to:
- To learning and sharing experiences between Lao Farmer network;
- To meet and discussion target on marketing mechanism, Pro and Con, to address involvement solution between farmer and private sector;
- To presentation the yearly report of Lao Farmer Network in 2018 and planning in 2019
Public-Producer-Private Sector Partnership Meeting of Lao Farmer Network, meeting have discussion target on marketing mechanism, Pro and Con, to address involvement solution between farmer and private sector, to promote Lao agricultural product, to support organic farming as well as good practices and sustainable farming, and promote Lao product to decrease burden imports from neighboring country as part of supporting Lao government development goal.
Some posters & Presentation were showing in the event:
- Lao Farmer Network yearly report 2018
- Beautiful wife rice
- Bitter bamboo
- Coffee Soap
- Farmer teaching ethnic student
- Farmer’s basket
- Helvetas F2F poster
- Lao Zero Energy
- Shed house
- ການຮຽນຮູ້ ລະຫວ່າງຊາວກະສິກອນດ້ວຍກັນ
- ການປຸງແຕ່ງກາເຟເພື່ອສ້າງມູນຄ່າເພີ່ມໃນສນູ ບ. ປຽງ, ເຂດແກ່ວແສດ
- ການລ້ຽງໝູແມ່ນຂົວຕໍ໋ສູ່ຄວາມສຳເລັດ
- dav
- sdr