Battambang Union of Agricultural Cooperatives The Battambang Union of Agricultural Cooperatives (BUAC) was established on 7th July, 2017 by the commitment of 4 Agriculture Cooperatives with 1,029 family members from Sangkae and Banan district, Battambang province. By October 5, 2017, the BUAC had legally registered as legal entity with supports from the Supreme National Economic Council (SNEC) through the project entitled the Support of Commercialization of Cambodian Rice Project (SCCRP) and intensive supports from PDAFF Battambang. Vision: BUAC envisions “Farmers in Battambang province have increased incomes and improved livelihood”. Mission: Mission of BUAC is to “Strengthen capacity, support product quality and standard, facilitate market access to members and strengthen solidarity and collaboration amongst members, and with stakeholder. BUAC does this in order to enhance the success of members’ production and sale that lead to increase their income”. By the present, the BUAC has another AC to join as its members. By 2022, the BUAC plan to expand its members to 15 AC with estimated members of 3,000 farmer families with 12,000 members. The purpose of this mobilization was to expand agriculture production based, agro-industry, agro-economy and agricultural related services in order to enhance agriculture production, increase yield, and protect production price on the competitive market to increase farmers’ benefits.
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