Organic Agriculture Management Training: Practical Work Experience from Maetha Community
21-27 August 2021 (Bangkok Time 13.30 – 16.00)
Online Training
Introduction: Towards Organic Asia (TOA) envisions to achieve community spirit, economy sustainability, and care for nature through the organic agriculture and agroecology by focusing on 4 working areas are 1) Training and Education 2) Technology and Innovation 3) Awareness and Advocacy, and 4) Next Generation and Youth. TOA provides a collaborative platform of individual and organization to work together at national and regional level to strengthen organic agriculture / agroecology in Asia. Focusing on organic agriculture/ agroecology as the heart of global transformation.
The current situation of farming is creating a lot of impacts on social, ecology, and economy system, even though the climate change issue is creating a difficult and unpredictable situation for agriculture. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic courses us a huge health and economic impacts, and affirming the importance of the food security and sustainable food systems.
Goal and Objective: One of TOA goals is supporting next generation and youth, a new generation of young pioneering leaders are equipped with technical skill, knowledge, and value to sustain organic agriculture and agroecology, and serve as active guardians of the earth, therefore, TOA will organize an activity to encourage youth in the region on “Young Organic Farmers: Organic Agriculture Management Training”, and the training objectives are:
- To facilitate an online learning and exchange on organic agriculture management, including climate change issue and agrarian policy for young farmers in Mekong region and Bhutan.
- To provide learning materials on organic farming and support young organic farmers network in the region.
- To initiate an exchange platform and collaboration among young farmers to promote and strengthen food safety and food sovereignty in the region, particularly after COVID-19 pandemic.
Expected outcomes:
- Young farmers from Mekong region and Bhutan (and open for other countries in Asia) will be able to understand about organic agriculture.
- Young farmers will be able to apply and share the knowledge on organic agriculture in their farm.
- Young farmers will have a support system / communication system for further discussion and collaboration.