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Samdhana Institute

"A region where natural, cultural and spiritual diversity are valued, where communities have control over th... Read More
Keywords Action-research, Agroecological production systems and practices, Financial support, Gender, Natural Resource Management, Networking, Tenure rights, Training
Operating Countries Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam
  • Ms. Soutouthone Inthirath, Capacity Development Coordinator , [email protected] , tel: (+856-20) 99 964 998
  • Ms. Thipphaphone Souphida, A Small Grant Coordinator , [email protected] , mob: (+856-20) 98 122 145
Office address & contact
  • 9000 Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines


Founded in 1948, SWISSAID works in 9 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, with its head office in Switzerland. Working in partner... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Civil Society Engagement, Gender, Natural Resource Management, Rural Development, Value Chain Development
Operating Countries Myanmar
Office address & contact

Terre des Hommes Italia in Myanmar (TDH-It)

TDH-It is an Italian INGO part of the Terre des Hommes Foundation. Born in Italy in 1989, in Myanmar since 2004. Mission: To prote... Read More
Keywords Child Protection, Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture, Rural Development, Rural livelihood development
Operating Countries Myanmar
Office address & contact
  • No.68/11-B, U Maung Maung Chan st.,Ward -10, Hlaing Tsp., Yangon, Myanmar

Triangle Génération Humanitaire (TGH)

Triangle Génération Humanitaire (TGH) is a Non-Governmental organisation founded in Lyon, France, in 1994. TGH provides concrete soluti... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Irrigation, Market gardening, Paddy fields
Operating Countries Myanmar
  • Alessandra Incerti, Head of Mission , [email protected] , mob: +95 9 40285 2837
  • Marc Le Quentrec, Program Coordinator – Matupi, Chin State , [email protected] , mob: +95 (0)9 76 65 69 262 ; +95 (0)9 42 11 27 748
Office address & contact
  • 48 Pann Chann St (Flat 2B, Floor), Sanchuang Township, Yangon


Mekong Youth Farm Network (Y-Farm) is developed by enthusiastic youth of the countries in Mekong Region. Y-Farm focuses on farming education... Read More
Keywords Organic agriculture, Sustainable Agriculture, Youth
Operating Countries Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam
  • In Vietnam: Mr. Ly Quoc Dang, Y-Farm Coordinator , [email protected] , tel: +84909886896
Office address & contact
  • 5 Nguyen Thi Dieu Street, District 3 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Yezin Agricultural University

The Yezin Agricultural University (YAU) is the only university level of higher education in Agriculture in the Republic of the Union of Myan... Read More
Keywords Research and Education in Agriculture
Operating Countries Myanmar