- To strengthen knowledge and experience sharing on agroecology according to topics of interest raised by ALiSEA members;
- To encourage informal exchanges and foster learning among ALiSEA members; and
- To increase the visibility of agroecological initiatives. ALiSEA network has been held on the ALiSEA Network – thematic green talk – the series in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
The first thematic meeting in Cambodia
- Date: August 26, 2021
- Number of participants: 70 people (Farmer organizations, universities, freelance, government bodies, NGOs and Private sectors)
- Time: 10h00 -12h00
- Topic for meeting: Share Experience on Participatory Guarantee System (PGS).
The main interested topics
- Chicken Food Improvement and Value Chain
- Soil Fertility Management
- Youth Engagement in Agroecology Transaction
The presentations & documents are available to download here:
The first thematic meeting in Laos
- Date: August 6, 2021
- Number of participants: 44 people included 21 women (Farmer organizations, universities, freelance, government bodies, NGOs and Private sectors)
- Time: 9h00 -11h15
- Topic for meeting: Market access of Laos’s agricultural products.
The main interested topics
- The issue on applying the Contract farming between buyer and producer.
- The market information data sharing should be transparence from the relevance stakeholders (Quota, standard, method …).
- Limitation of agricultural products export (Honey, Mushroom, Ginseng, some NTFPs).
- Capacity building program for farmers on good agricultural production and packaging, online and offline marketing.
- The government policy (identify the main products (priorities) of each province)
- The benefit from the Lao-China railway. (How could Lao farmers/ producer/ SMEs will get benefit from Lao-China Railway? How could ALiSEA Network help farmers to get these opportunities?).
Interested topic for next talk
- Commercial tree plantation.
- Extension work, agriculture production technique for high yield and processing
- Youth in agriculture.
- Agriculture production for goods, processing, and market.
- Community market.
What topic do you want to share?
- Gender in Agriculture sector.
- Strengthening community market and value chain for agriculture products.
- Employment promotion for youth
The presentations & documents are available to download here:
The first thematic meeting in Vietnam
- Date: July 21, 2021
- Number of participants: 50 people (university students, International Institution, government institution, NGOs)
- Time: 9h30 -11h00
- Topic for meeting: Agroecological farming and markets access.
The main interested topics
- Sustainable agricultural and farming certification (standards and method)
- Encourage wide dissemination and scaling up Agroecology transition (how to better engage with and support farmer’s communities).
- What Policy dialogue focus for ALiSEA network.
The presentations & documents are available to download here: