Original source: http://www.asiapacificfarmersforum.net/myanmar-coffee-farmer-boosts-income-by-adding-value-to-organic-coffee-products/ We support our farmers.We drink our farmers' coffee.We love AFFM coffee. Posted by Ctum Myanmar on Sunday, 2 June 2019 In Hpayargyikone village, Myanmar, there are 37 farmer members of the Agriculture and Farmers’ Federation of Myanmar (AFFM), and 32 of them are coffee farmers. U Zaw Myo Naing is one of […]
BACKGROUND The consumer day is designed to engage consumers in the chain of vegetable production from the farm to table by taking into account the practices of Ecofarm Group. This event is based on few specific objectives: Raising consumers awareness on safe vegetable production and local food availability Introducing safety and quality assurance system-PGS which […]
To feed the world, we need to bring technology and small farms closer together! (Wim Hoogedeure, EY Partner) EY, USDA, Winrock, GAIA Vita and Bureau Veritas has been organized the event on the Agri-Business Conference Laos 2019 at the rooftop of Kolao Building on 25 June 2019. How can we harness all the new technology […]
GIZ organized “Stakeholder Consultation Meeting: Consumer Awareness on Food Standards in Myanmar” on 17 June 2019 at Pabedan Township, in Yangon. The objective of the meeting is to facilitate networking as well as the sharing of views, experiences and ideas on how to promote greater awareness on food safety and food standards in Myanmar. The […]
With an increased access to electricity and internet, rural populations in Cambodia currently have better chances to access media on a variety of electronic devices, ranging from TVs, radios, smartphones and many other tools. However, the records of the level of agricultural media accessed by farmers are scarce, while the majority of the populations are […]
The Cambodia Agricultural Value Chain programme (CAVAC) showcased the research findings by Quantum Endorphine Digital on access to agricultural information on social media through their ‘Agribusiness on Facebook’ event, which took place May 30 at Sofitel. Gary Ellem, team leader of CAVAC, raised the issues faced when disseminating information to farmers, “There is a lot […]
The National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute of Laos was established in 1999 in order to consolidate agriculture and forestry research activities within the country and develop a coordinated National Agriculture and Forestry Research System. NAFRI belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and is equal in status to other technical departments under […]
Introduction Rural Connections project aims to improve the information available to these populations – and to young people in particular – in the areas of agriculture and sustainable development by improving the capacity of journalists and journalism students to cover such topics and by promoting the production and dissemination of content, especially via radio stations, […]
Farmers Forum on Agro-Ecological Practices and Food Sovereignty was conducted on March 22, 23 2019 at CARTC (Central Agriculture Research and Training Centre) Hle Gu Township, Yangon by Kalyana Mitta Development Foundation, co-funding with Swissaid Organization and Agroecology Learning Alliance in South East Asia – ALiSEA. The objectives of the Farmer Forum are; to exchange […]
Context The ACTAE project (Toward an Agroecological Transition in South East Asia) is organizing a one-day meeting to explore the role of research for development in the design of the second phase of the project. The ambition of the ACTAE project is to contribute to an ecological intensification of agriculture with positive impacts on food […]