Lao Farmer Network Event 2020, LAO PDR

Lao Farmer Network Event 2020, LAO PDR
When: 18-20 March 2020,
Lao Farmer Network is a national organization of farmers organizations established in 2014 by farmers for the benefit of smallholder farmers across the country. Currently, the network has 53 farmer organizations from 13 provinces with over 4,000 farmers who produce vegetables, rice, coffee, tea, sugarcane, sesame, chicken, duck, fish, cattle, mulberry and silk, and bitter bamboo. The network support members in strengthening their organizations improve production techniques, increase income through commercial agriculture and influencing related policies.
As the network becomes bigger and stronger in the last 6 years, the network would like to revisit their strategy and to better engage with the Government, Private Sector and Civil Society Organization. Thus, LFN is organizing a 3 days public event with the following.
  1. Organize a dialogue on the Producer-Private sector- Public Partnership (4Ps) where all LFN members can dialogue with private sectors on opportunities for partnership.
  2. Organize a knowledge fair where LFN members share their farming good practices, experiences in processing, marketing, and other issues. In addition, other interested organizations to share information on their projects, research results, farming technologies, etc.
  3. Organize a consultation meeting on the LFN strategy and work plan of 2020 where relevant organizations can contribute to shaping the strategies and cooperate with LFN in the future.
please find the attached agenda Here.
we would like you/ your organization to:
A) support Farmer Organization representative to participate in the event to exchange knowledge among farmers.
B) contribute presentation at the knowledge fair, There is a template for good practice cases with the attach file, good practice should be relevant to these topics:
ο Sustainable Agriculture Technologies
ο Marketing, Processing, and Financing
ο Partnership and Networking
ο Policy Advocacy
ο Women & Youth
ο Credit and Savings
ο Inclusive Smallholder Agricultural
ο Value ChainsClimate Change Proofed Investment in Agriculture and Rural Development
ο Food Safety, Quality Standards, and Certification
ο Farmer organization development
ο Profile of your organizations.
if you or your FO are interested to attend or any contribution to the event such as KM Fair, please feel free to contact Chintanaphone at Tel 020 7771 4900