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Tramkak Union of Agriculture Cooperative

Tramkak Union of Agriculture Cooperative was registered on November 24, 2021 by General Directorate of Agric... Read More
Keywords Advocacy, Agroecological production systems and practices, Financial support, Gender, Networking, Support to local entrepreneurship, Training, Value Chain Development
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • Trav em Village, Porpel Commune, Tramkak District, Takeo Province

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: (+855) 17 365 798/ (+855) 16 368 088

Vietnam Development Center Farm and Agricultural Enterprise (VCFED)

Established in 2021, the Vietnam development center farm and agricultural enterprise (VCFED) is the represen... Read More
Keywords Action-research, Advocacy, Awareness campaign, media, Farm and agricultural enterprise, Networking, Reinforcement organizational capacities, Support to local entrepreneurship, Training, Value Chain Development
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • 4th Floor, Cung Tri Thuc building, No.1, Ton That Thuyet str., Dich Vong Hau wrd, Cau Giay dist, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: (+84) 913 540 047


Established on July 30, 2015 - is an initiative of the Agriculture Alliance. The forum is a voluntary network of farmer organization represe... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Farmer Organisation, Rural Development, Value Chain Development
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • South An Khanh Urban area, An Khanh commune, Hoai Duc district, Hanoi, Vietnam

    Tel: 0433 216 162

Vietnam Rural Development Science Association (PHANO)

Vietnam Rural Development Science Association (PHANO) is the professional organization at the national level, develop activities in the whol... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Rural Development, Value Chain Development
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • South An Khanh Urban area, An Khanh commune, Hoai Duc district, Hanoi, Vietnam

Village Support Group (VSG)

Village Support Group (VSG) is a local non-governmental organization established in 1995 and official regist... Read More
Keywords Advocacy, Awareness campaign, media, Farmer Organisation, Gender, Natural Resource Management, Networking, Reinforcement organizational capacities, Support to local entrepreneurship, Training, Value Chain Development, Youth
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • #676, Kamakor village, Sangkat Svaypor, Battambang Municipality, Battambang province, Cambodia

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: (+855) 53 730 355