CIRAD is a French research center focusing on Agricultural research for development.
Based on a strong experience of the agronomy and life sciences, social sciences and engineering sciences, Cirad aims to take up the scientific challenges posed by development in the South, mainly environmental risks, food security, sustainable agriculture, climate change, emerging diseases, and the future of rural societies.
Six priority lines of research are followed:
• Ensuring ecologically intensive and sustainable production systems to satisfy people’s requirements;
• Studying innovative non-food uses for biomass and for energy purpose;
• Promoting sustainable food production systems;
• Anticipating and managing emerging health risks linked to animal and plant and pests diseases;
• Supporting public action reducing inequality and poverty;
• Understanding the relations between production and the environment, for sustainable and resource management.

The approach is based on: to formulate and respond in an integrative, global and multidisciplinary manner to local and international requirements from the field to laboratory, from local to a global level.
Cirad is a nutshell of more than 800 researchers and technical staff, involved in a large range of professions, from the field to research to policy acting for development, with many partnerships around the world through bilateral agreements and specific research platforms involving Cirad and partners research teams.

  • Avenue Agropolis, Montpellier, France
    Tel: (+33) 4 67 61 58 00