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Farmer and Nature Net Association

The Farmer and Nature Net Association was officially registered at the Ministry of Interior on March 10, 2006, which performs as: • The... Read More
Keywords Ecological agriculture, Self-help groups, Social cooperation, Strengthening farmer networks, Value chain and market linkages
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • #A1, Street 1986, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Farmer’s Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Organization (FLIFLY)

It was been established by a group of farmer’s children. Mr. Rin Po is the first person who has gathered farmers' Children to found it. ... Read More
Keywords Advisory services support, Agri-entrepreneurs, Agribusiness, Agriculture cooperatives development, Agriculture extension, Agroecology, Beekeeping, Climate Change, Credit unions development, Financial literacy, Networking, Organic agriculture, Vocational training, Young leaders
Operating Countries Cambodia
  • Mr. Rin Po, Executive Director , tel: +85569 882 970, 99 880 990
Office address & contact
  • National road 1, Kandal Krom village, Banteaydek commune, Keansvay district, Kandal province, Cambodia

    Email: [email protected]

Fauna and Flora International (FFI)

Founded in 1903, Fauna & Flora International (FFI) is the world’s longest-established international conservation organisation. Our vis... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Biodiversity, Conservation agriculture
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • P.O. Box 1380, #19, Street 360, Boeung Keng Kang I, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    Tel: +855 (0) 77 211 142

Federation of Cambodian Farmer Organizations for Development (FCFD)

The Federation of Cambodian Farmer Organizations for Development was founded on 20 December 2010 within the ... Read More
Keywords Capacity building, Contribute to materializing national policies on agriculture, Farming techniques and skills, Look for and create markets for produce, Look for financial assistance and different partners to support members, Organize study tours at home and overseas, Promote production and processing of farm products, Provide incentives to farmer producers, Social cooperation, Supporting for Small Farmer, Tools and equipment to farmer’s organizations
Operating Countries Cambodia
  • UNG Phalla (Mr.), Executive Secretary
Office address & contact
  • #143, St. 69, Sangkat Boeung Tumpon, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh.

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: (+855) 99 777 856 / 66 777 856

Federation of Farmer Associations Promoting Family Agricultural Enterprise in Cambodia (FAEC)

Federation of Farmer Associations Promoting Family Agricultural Enterprise in Cambodia (FAEC) was founded on 04th September 2009 in Ministry... Read More
Keywords Advocacy, Family farming, Farmer Organisation, Rural Development, Rural livelihood development, Youth
Operating Countries Cambodia

Field Crops Research Institute (FCRI)

Conducting scientific research and technology transfer in the fields of: Read More
Keywords Selection and transfer of technologies for planting
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • Food Crops Research Institute, Lien Hong commune, Gia Loc district, Hai Duong province, Vietnam

    Email: [email protected]

Food Security Working Group (FSWG)

The FSWG is a network and operating since 2002. FSWG is facilitating for the networking, capacity building, policy advocacy, research, food ... Read More
Keywords Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity building, Civil Society Engagement, Family farming, Food security, Natural Resource Management, Rural livelihood development, Sustainable Agriculture
Operating Countries Myanmar
Office address & contact
  • No. 114, DanaTheikdi Lane, Gadamar Street, Kabaaye Pagoda Road, Ward 8, Mayangone Township, Yangon.

Forests and Livelihood Organization (FLO)

The Forests and Livelihood Organization (FLO) is a non-profit registered local organization, established in ... Read More
Keywords Action-research, Advocacy, Livelihood options like agriculture and Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP), Natural Resource Management, Youth
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • Tropaing Pring Village, Kratie Commune, Kratie town, Kratie Province

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: (+855) 72 971 775

Foundation for assisting poor people of Lao PDR Xiengkhouang Province Branch (FAPPL XKh)

Our vision is: Promote the knowledge and skills of disadvantaged communities to develop a better quality of ... Read More
Keywords Advocacy, Agroecological production systems and practices, Awareness campaign, media, Gender, Nutrition, Reinforcement organizational capacities, Youth
Operating Countries Laos
  • Mr. Khamla SIBOUNHEUANG, Coordinator , [email protected] , mob: (+856-20) 5555 1043
  • Mr. Buasy CHANTHAVONG, Executive Committee (Deputy Director) , [email protected] , mob: (+856-20) 2824 8831
  • Ms. Sothsada NANTHAVONGVILAY, Administration , [email protected] , mob: (+856-20) 5518 8993
Office address & contact
  • FAPPL XK is located at 115, Unit 06, Phonesavang Village, Paek District, Xiengkhouang Province.

    Email: [email protected]

Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF)

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) is a German foundation devoted to the promotion of libera... Read More
Keywords Action-research, Advocacy, Agroecological production systems and practices, Awareness campaign, media, Farmer Organisation, Gender, Natural Resource Management, Networking, Reinforcement organizational capacities, Support to local entrepreneurship, Training, Value Chain Development, Youth
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact