Objectives To strengthen knowledge and experience sharing on identified challenges of irrigated perimeter: water management and governance and agro ecological transition To promote knowledge exchange and foster learning among ALiSEA members. Date: 17th March 2022 Time: 14h30-16h30 (Cambodian time) Venue: Online workshop and please register and join us HERE Participant: All ALiSEA members, people who […]
Agronomes et Vétérinaires sans Frontières (AVSF) is an international NGO based in France, working on rural development and supporting small-scale farmers and animal keepers in developing countries while advocating on their behalf. AVSF Laos is recruiting a Lead Project Manager based in Vientiane for the project Mekong Tea. CONTEXT Project description Laos is part of […]
Objective To share experiences and disseminate information for participants have better understand on organic farming management and the step of organic registration process. Date: Friday, 11 February 2022. Time: 9:00 – 11:00 AM (Vientiane time) Language: Lao Online meeting via Zoom, please register to get the link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvdu6rqDIjH9FVq0Ca0mEPa0yN7LAZie3W Livestream on Facebook page: @ALiSEALaos Participant: […]
Introduction Name of Organization: GreenShoots Resources Organisation (GRO) Reports to: Operations Manager, Green Shoots Foundation UK Job Location: Samrong Municipality, Otdar Meanchey Province Salary: USD 530/month (before tax) GreenShoots Resources Organization (GRO) is the Cambodian branch of Green Shoots Foundation UK, that has been operating in Cambodia through local partners in 2012. In 2018 Green […]
Announcement Description In 2016, four Belgian University NGOs (ECLOSIO, FUCID, Louvain Coopération, and ULB Coopération) have decided to join forces and strengthen their synergies through the creation of the entity “Uni4Coop” and the mutual engagement in the implementation of one common program funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD). In Cambodia, the Uni4Coop Program is implemented by, ECLOSIO and Louvain Coopération (LC), and has 3 Specific Objectives (SO) tackling two sectors, Agriculture/Rural Economy and Health. ECLOSIO and LC are both involved in the agriculture and economic sector (SO1 and SO2), LC alone is involved in the health sector (SO3). Within the framework of the 2017-2021 Uni4Coop program, […]
BACKGROUND The ASEAN Vision and Strategic Plan for Food Agriculture and Forestry 2016 – 2025 is a “competitive, inclusive, resilient and sustainable food agriculture and forestry sector, integrated with the global economy, based on a single market and production base contributing to food and nutrition security and prosperity in the ASEAN Community.” Collaboration between ASEAN […]
Phnom Penh, 28-29 September 2021: Cambodia Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification Consortium (CASIC) held its 2nd Annual Regional Workshop with the focus on development of and transition towards Conservation Agriculture & Sustainable Agriculture (CA/SI) and Agroecology (AE) in the region. The virtual workshop was attended about 150 participants from 28 countries. Over 20 national and […]
Objectives: To strengthen knowledge and experience sharing on agroecology according to topics of interest raised by ALiSEA members; To encourage informal exchanges and foster learning among ALiSEA members; and To increase the visibility of agroecological initiatives. ALiSEA network has been held on the ALiSEA Network – thematic green talk – the series in Cambodia, Laos […]
The Malaysian Agroecology Society for Sustainable Resource Intensification (SRI-Mas), the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and the Malaysian Food Security and Sovereignty Forum (FKMM) are pleased to invite you to the International Webinar Series on Agroecology and Community Series X/2021. Check out the upcoming Topic in the Series below: Topic Ecological Management of Invasive Rice Pests: Selected […]
On 24th September, ALiSEA, PGS Vietnam and Seed to table have been organized the online thematic session on sharing knowledge on organic agriculture production – Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). There were about 50 participants from research center, NGOs, International NGOs, University lecturers, young farmers…. participating in the event. The purpose of this event was to: […]