Cambodia ALiSEA Network: Online Thematic Session to Share Experience on Participatory Guarantee System, 26 August 2021

Date: 26 August 2021 Time: 10h00 – 12h00 (Cambodian time) Venue: Online workshop Participant: All ALiSEA members, partners, researchers, educational institutions, and those people who are interested in agroecology. Zoom link: Language: Khmer Objectives To strengthen knowledge and experience sharing on Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) which is certified on agroecological products. To promote knowledge […]

Consultation Meeting on MetKasekor Agriculture Extension Model

Phnom Penh, 05 August 2021: Information Technologies and Innovation for Agriculture: Consultation Meeting on MetKasekor Model, was remotely organized as a part of the United Nation’s Member State Dialogues under the Food Systems Summit 2021 Dialogues Gateway This consultative meeting sensitized the different departments of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), the Provincial Departments of Agriculture, Forestry and […]

Rapid Assessment Report to promote Sustainable Beekeeping in Cambodia

On 15th July 2021, UNESCO, in cooperation with the Civil Society Alliance Forum (CSAF) of the Office of Council of Ministers, in partnership with the Asian Cultural Council and the Asian Vision Institute, and the European Union, organized the virtual launch of the UNESCO Rapid Assessment: Beekeeping Ecosystem at Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve. The first-of-its-kind initiative […]

Webinar: Overview of Agricultural machinery service provision business in Kanghot, Battambang, July 14, 2021

Water Resources Management and Agro-ecological Transition for Cambodia (WAT4CAM) Program Hosted by the TA-AGRI team Date: July 14th, 2021; 02:00 PM (GMT+7, time in Phnom Penh, Cambodia) Presented in Khmer with slides in English Rice farming in Kanghot is mainly based on two rice cycle and a relatively high level of intensification (i.e., fertilizers and […]

Significant milestone in the History of ALiSEA Network – Creation of National Board of Members: Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam

Vientiane, 31 May 2021. A significant milestone in the history of ALiSEA Network was reached towards an autonomous member-managed network with the creation of the National ALiSEA Board of Members in three countries: Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam!  The National ALiSEA Board of Members (BoM) will play a key role in supporting the network structuration, shaping its governance, building […]

The official kick-off workshop on Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions in Southeast Asia

The official kick-off meeting of the regional project for the development of  Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions in Southeast Asia (ASSET) took place on November 10-12 in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR. Around 130 people attended this event online and 20 in person both in Lao PDR and in Vietnam. The objectives of the kick-off […]

Online workshop on “Expanding Access to Canadas Organic Agri-Foods Market for ASEAN SMEs”

We’re pleased to announce about up-coming online workshop “Expanding Access to Canadas Organic Agri-Foods Market for ASEAN SMEs” support by TFO Canada cooperate with COrAA. This event will greatly help your company prepare in exporting to Canada, by providing you with: Insights on the Canada market for your product(s) the profile of buyers and how […]

Training in Cambodia on Conservation Agriculture, 28-29 September 2020

A training session on “Conservation Agriculture: A Sustainable Cropping Solution” will be organized by the Conservation Agriculture Service Center of the Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management, CIRAD, SmartAgro and SwissContact. Objective of the training Raising the awareness on the agroecological cropping management through the conservation agriculture techniques. Improving technical skills of the farmers/resource persons […]

Announcement of e-learning course on agro-ecology

To support agro-ecology transition in Cambodia as well as in the region, E-learning course on agro-ecology is developed under the project Innovative Pedagogical Resources in Conservation Agriculture in South-East Asia (IPERCA) funded by Agropolis Foundation and the complementary funding from the French Development Agency (AFD) through ACTAE/CANSEA project. This initiative brings together the E-learning Center […]

African Swine Fever (ASF): the other pandemic, situation and impact in Lao PDR

“African swine fever” (ASF) is an extremely resilient virus that has spread at an accelerated path in the region since 2019: originating from China, it hit Vietnam hard since the beginning of last year before spreading to Cambodia and Laos, Burma, the Philippines, Indonesia, Timor Leste and Papua New-Guinea (see FAO cartography and OIE bulletins). The […]