Adaptation measures for COVID 19 related to agriculture and food : Share your experience to help other territories ensure their food resilience!

This questionnaire was built in a participatory manner with different food system experts.  The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Secretariat, as a partner organization of Let’s Food, support us in this initiative. We thank you in advance for your answers, do not hesitate to share this questionnaire, all the answers received will facilitate the dissemination […]

Relevant articles addressing the relationship between COVID19 crisis and the need to transition towards sustainable food systems

The current COVID 19 pandemic is affecting the political, economic, social, environmental and food sectors. This multidimensional threat requires an adequate response to protect the most vulnerable and marginalized group. Hereafter are useful links and articles addressing the relationship between the COVID-19 crisis and the need to transition towards sustainable food systems: COVID-19 and Agroecology […]

Cambodia national workshop on the Application of FAO’s Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE), 5-7 February 2020, Cambodia

Background With funding from FAO, Louvain Cooperation leads the implementation of the FAO’s tool evaluation on “Agroecology Performance Evaluation – TAPE”. This project aims to test the FAO tool in Cambodia. The service will contribute to the following organizational objective “stakeholders make evidence-based decisions in the planning and management of the agricultural sectors and natural […]

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Farmers in Asia and the Pacific

Original source: Farmers and fishers are the hardest hit during this global crisis brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries decided to close their borders for the time being to contain the spread of the virus, and consequently, this affected the livelihood of farmers and fishers. Lockdowns and quarantines resulted in a lack of […]

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives – Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Thailand

Program description The CFLI is a program designed to support small-scale, high-impact projects in developing countries, which align with Global Affairs Canada’s thematic priority areas for engagement. The program is directed at projects conceived and designed predominantly by local partners. Projects are selected and approved by the relevant Canadian embassy or high commission.  The CFLI […]

Videos – EFICAS Project

About EFICAS Landscape Management and Conservation Agriculture Development for Eco-Friendly Intensification and Climate Resilient Agricultural Systems in Lao PDR (EFICAS project) The EFICAS Project aims at developing innovative methods and intervention approaches to support farmers’ adoption of climate smart agricultural systems based on conservation agriculture. Over the past decades a large range of technical options […]

IKI Small Grants “Capacity Building and Finance for National and Local Action on Climate and Biodiversity”

Funding Information The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) has commissioned the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH to carry out international calls for small scale projects. This small grants scheme is part of the BMU’s International Climate Initiative (IKI). First call for project proposals: Objectives, procedures, and […]

Regional Dialogue Workshop on Green and Sustainable Agriculture

(KPL) Green and sustainable development initiatives and policies enabling the positive transformation of agricultural production systems were shared at a regional workshop on green and sustainable agriculture held on Jan 21-22 in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR. The workshop, supported by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and FAO, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s Department of Policy […]


Madhu Duniya is the largest gathering of Asian forest honey producers, scientists, supporters and private sector players in the world, coming together to discuss growing trends, challenges and opportunities in the forest honey and native bee sector. It is held once every four years in Asia, and the Philippines has hosted the 2019 edition of […]

Regional workshop on the Application of the FAO Global Analytical Framework for the multidimensional assessment of Agroecology, 24-26/09/2019 Bangkok, Thailand

The regional workshop on the Application of the FAO Global Analytical Framework for the multidimensional assessment of Agroecology was co-organized by RAP, AGA, and AGPME in the framework of FAO Strategic Program on Sustainable Agriculture (SP2). This tool has been developed as part of the Global Knowledge Product on Agroecology through a multi-stakeholder collaborative process. […]