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Community Entrepreneur Development Institute (CENDI)

CENDI was established in January 19th 2015 as an independent scientific and technological legal entity with its own stamp and bank account, ... Read More
Keywords Advocacy, Community Forestland Rights, Community based entrepreneurship, Local knowledge and wisdom in land use, Native seeds, Native species restoration and nursery, Natural Resource Management, Rural livelihood development
Operating Countries Vietnam
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Office address & contact
  • A4 (12C) Pham Huy Thong Street, Ngoc Khanh Science Village, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi Capital City - Vietnam

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: +84-(0)24-3771 7367

Mondulkiri Indigenous People’s Association for Development (MIPAD)

Mondulkiri Indigenous People’s Association for Development (MIPAD) is a local member based federated assoc... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Agroecology, Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Community empowerment, Ecological farming practices, Education, Family farming, Forest conservation, Health, Local knowledge and wisdom in land use, Native seeds, Native species restoration and nursery, Rural livelihood development
Operating Countries Cambodia
  • Mr. Touch Nimith, Executive Director , mob: (+855) 12 664 015
Office address & contact
  • Street 76A, Chombok village, Songkat Spean Mean Chey, Senmonorom town – Mondulkiri – CAMBODIA

    Email: [email protected]

Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden

PTK is the first and only botanical garden in Laos. The main goals of Pha Tad Ke are threefold: • Biodive... Read More
Keywords Biodiversity, Education, Environment, Forest conservation, Germplasm preservation, Native seeds, Native species restoration and nursery, Natural Resource Management
Operating Countries Laos
Office address & contact
  • Ban Wat That, PO Box 959, 06000 Luang Prabang, Lao PDR

Social Policy Ecology Research Institute (SPERI)

SPERI’s mission is providing opportunities to stimulate traditional belief towards nature, enriching ethic... Read More
Keywords Ecological farming practices, Land and forest rights, Landscape degradation restoration, Local knowledge and wisdom in land use, Native seeds, Native species restoration and nursery, Sustainable land uses
Operating Countries Laos, Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • Viện Nghiên cứu Sinh thái Chính sách Xã hội Social Policy Ecology Research Institute (SPERI) 12C Phạm Huy Thông street, Ba Đình district, Hanoi, Vietnam

    Tel: 84.4.37717367 , Fax: 84.4.37715691