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Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute (NOMAFSI )

NOMAFSI is a research institute affiliated to VAAS, mandated to undertake scientific research and technology transfer in agriculture and for... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Conservation agriculture, Forestry, Rural Development, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable land uses
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • Xa Phu Ho, thi xa Phu Tho, tinh Phu Tho, Viet Nam

Rikolto in Vietnam

Rikolto in Vietnam (previously VECO Vietnam) is a member of Rikolto, an international NGO with more than 40 years of experience in partnerin... Read More
Keywords Capacity building, Farmer Organisation, Food Systems, Organic agriculture, Participatory Guarantee System (PGS), Sustainable Agriculture, Value Chain Development
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • House No. 4, 249A Thuy Khue Compound Thuy Khue Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: +84-24-6258 3640/41 , Fax: +84-24-6258 3642

Seed to Table

Seed to Table (STT) is a Japanese non-government organization established in 2009. Currently STT operates activities in Vietnam and Japan. ... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Community empowerment, Education, Environment, Sustainable Agriculture
Operating Countries Vietnam
  • INO Mayu (Ms)
Office address & contact

SmartAgro Sustainable Innovations Co. Ltd

SmartAgro is a company working with private sector, governments and academia. Whether small scale or large scale, temperate or tropical, ... Read More
Keywords Organic agriculture, Organic certification, Poverty reduction, Sustainable Agriculture, Water management
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact

Southern Center for Agriculture and Rural Policy and Strategy (SCAP-IPSARD)

SCAP is the Southern Center of the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development. It conducts studies and consultan... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Climate Change, Food security, Forestry, Natural Resource Management, Rural Development, Sustainable Agriculture
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • 3rd Floor, 12 Vo Van Kiet Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

    Tel: +84 28 39142530

SRD The Center for Sustainable Rural Development

The Center for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) founded in March 2006 is a leading Vietnamese non-government organization. Our success is... Read More
Keywords Advocacy, Climate Change, Forest conservation, Resilience, Sustainable Agriculture
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • No.56, Lane 19/9 Kim Dong Street, Hoang Mai District, Ha Noi


Mekong Youth Farm Network (Y-Farm) is developed by enthusiastic youth of the countries in Mekong Region. Y-Farm focuses on farming education... Read More
Keywords Organic agriculture, Sustainable Agriculture, Youth
Operating Countries Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam
  • In Vietnam: Mr. Ly Quoc Dang, Y-Farm Coordinator , [email protected] , tel: +84909886896
Office address & contact
  • 5 Nguyen Thi Dieu Street, District 3 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam