The Society for Community Development in Cambodia (SOFDEC) is a Cambodian Non-Governmental Organization, established in 2006 through the localization of HEKS (the Swiss Church Aid) project in Cambodia. SOFDEC aims to uplift the living standards of the rural people of Cambodia through the improvement in income generation, sustainable agricultural practices, microfinance, health, human resource development, and sustainable natural resource management.
The key programs of SOFDEC include (1) Integrated rural community development (community empowerment, agricultural improvement, community resilience to climate change, and value chain improvement), (2) Local agricultural research and extension (breeding of crop/livestock varieties and seed production: e.g. rice and mung bean), (3) Education improvement (supports of study materials, school building construction, livelihood improvement, and scholarship for higher education), and (4) Socio-Economic Research and Consulting.

  • Dr Khun Leang Hak, Executive Director [email protected] Tel: 855-12 718 371; 855-17 701 740