ANDE ESEA Sustainable Agriculture Learning Lab #5, 22 November 2019, Cambodia

The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and Swisscontact Cambodia invite you to join the fifth regional Learning Lab on Sustainable Agriculture to discuss challenges and best practices in Agriculture Small and Growing Business (SGB) in East and Southeast Asia. This lab aims to bring together stakeholders – ANDE members and key players in the […]

Green Shoots Foundation & CIDO Agritech Centre, North West Cambodia

Green Shoots Foundation and Community-based Integrated Development Organisation (CIDO) have recently established an agriculture-training center in Odar Meanchey, North West Cambodia. Space is a community-learning center, which acts as a training area and demonstration site for a range of activities pertaining to rural development, farmer livelihood and enabling young people to remain acquainted with agriculture. […]


BACKGROUND The consumer day is designed to engage consumers in the chain of vegetable production from the farm to table by taking into account the practices of Ecofarm Group. This event is based on few specific objectives: Raising consumers awareness on safe vegetable production and local food availability Introducing safety and quality assurance system-PGS which […]


With an increased access to electricity and internet, rural populations in Cambodia currently have better chances to access media on a variety of electronic devices, ranging from TVs, radios,  smartphones and many other tools. However, the records of the level of agricultural media accessed  by farmers are scarce, while the majority of the populations are […]

Agribusiness on Facebook – CAVAC, 30th May 2019

The Cambodia Agricultural Value Chain programme (CAVAC) showcased the research findings by Quantum Endorphine Digital on access to agricultural information on social media through their ‘Agribusiness on Facebook’ event, which took place May 30 at Sofitel. Gary Ellem, team leader of CAVAC, raised the issues faced when disseminating information to farmers, “There is a lot […]

International Expert in Irrigation and Water Social Management – GRET in Cambodia

Announcement Description Founded in 1976, GRET is a French non-profit association of professionals for fair development. It supports social and economic sustainable development with an approach based on partnership and action research. Active in 25 countries with 740 professionals in 2017, GRET has 14 permanent offices in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, where the […]

Organic Seminar – COrAA, 9 June 2019, Cambodia

DATE: JUNE 9, 2019  9:00AM ‐ 12:00PM LECTURER:  Dr. Varanashi Krishna Moorthy (India) Dr.  Varanashi  is  an  organic  farmer,  researcher, extension  specialist  and  entrepreneur,  and  has  considerable  experience  on  composng,  organic  farming,  water  harvesng  and  management, low cost temporary sand and  plasc  dams,  manufacturing  bio‐ferlizers  and  bio‐pescide,  bio‐gas,  toilet  waste  recycling, organic cerficaon.  Currently  Dr.  Varanashi  manages  several  organizaons in Karnataka, India: Varanashi  Development  &  Research  Foundaon,   […]

Administration and Finance Assistant, GRET in Cambodia

Announcement Description Founded in 1976, GRET is a French non-profit association of professionals for fair development. It supports social and economic sustainable development with an approach based on partnership and action research. Active in 25 countries with 740 professionals in 2017, GRET has 14 permanent offices in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, where the […]

Project Coordinator – FFI Cambodia Programme, Cambodia

Announcement Description Fauna & Flora International (FFI), founded in 1903, is the world’s longest-established international conservation organization. With its head office in Cambridge, UK, today FFI is active in over 40 countries worldwide, and has been operating in Cambodia since 1996. Our vision is to create sustainable future for the planet where biodiversity is conserved […]