ICC WORKSHOP ON “Adaptation Research on Rice-Potato Rotational Model (using SRI for Rice and Minimum Potting Method for Potatoes – GPM) at Phu Binh District, Thai Nguyen Province”

Workshop Objectives: The objective of workshop is to share the results of  Rice – Potato – Rice rotational model; discuss about the results of study and also to get the comment to improve the study and also to disseminate the research model to practice. Time: From 8 AM to 11:30 AM of 22 June Location: […]

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP “Vietnam and France cooperation towards the development of sustainable agriculture for the Northern mountainous region of Vietnam”

On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Socialist Public of Vietnam and Republic of France (1973-2018) and the 100th anniversary of establishment of the Phu Tho Agro-Forestry Research Institute (6/1918-2/2018), Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Science (VAAS) together with French Agriculture Research Center for International Development (CIRAD) and Northern Mountainous of Agriculture […]

Mountain Futures Conference, 4-8 June 2018, Kunming, China

On the 4th – 8th June 2018, the second Mountain Futures Conference took place in China’s Yunnan province, against the backdrop of the famous Hani rice terraces in Honghe and the rapidly growing city of Kunming. Building on the success of the first Mountain Futures Conference in 2016, the event gave participants the opportunity to […]

IOBC – Asia-Pacific Regional Section: an International Training Workshop in Conservation Biological Control of Insect Pests

IOBC – Asia-Pacific Regional Section is seeking registrations of interest in a proposed international workshop on Conservation Biological Control (CBC) of Insect Pests, to be held at Lincoln University, New Zealand, from 12-15 November 2018, inclusive. This workshop is a follow-up to that held simultaneously in Beijing and Hanoi in September 2017, which covered all aspects […]

Enhancing farmers’ analytical and decision making capacity through application of simulation games

Article written by CISDOMA “Through the games, I now know to invest more wisely”, Ms. Luong Thi Doi, a farmer in Binh Lu commune, Tam Duong district (Lai Chau province) shared after attending the sessions of simulation games. These simulation sessions was supported by the project “Promoting agro-ecology transition via enhancing farmers’ analytical and decision […]

Call for a new Technician for IDEAS Project Hoang Lien National Park – Sapa

CONTEXT About IDEAS Project IDEAS Project is a project implemented by the French NGO AGRISUD International (www.agrisud.org), in Hoang Lien National Park, which is located in the North-West of Vietnam (Lao Cai Province, near Sa Pa town:http://vqghl.laocai.gov.vn). This project is implemented in partnership with the Hoang Lien National Park office and the French Region of […]

Towards a regional initiative to develop E-learning resources in Agroecology – Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 11th of October 2017

Based on on-going activities in the field of training and higher education implemented by a range of partners within ACTAE project and beyond (see program of the event) a regional workshop was organized in Phnom Penh on October 11 2017 bringing together different partners involved in training, awareness raising and higher education. This workshop was […]

ALiSEA 1st Annual General Meeting in Vietnam, Hanoi, 13-14 November 2017

The 1st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Agroecology Learning alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA) in Vietnam was organized in Hanoi on the 13th and 14th of November 2017. The support to the emergence of ALiSEA is part of a regional program, Towards an Agroecological Transition (ACTAE), funded by the French Agency for Development (AFD) and […]

Regional Forum on Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in the Mekong Sub-Region towards Food Security, An Giang University, Vietnam 6-7 November 2017

The Mekong Sub-region is rapidly becoming a new frontier of economic growth in Southeast Asia due to its rich human and natural capital (ADB 2017). Its suitability for a wide range of crops has made agriculture one of the sub-region’s important economic sectors. It has also led to increased trade and investment linked to regional […]

Third call for proposal “Competitive grant scheme” in the framework of ACTAE Regional Project / Cansea Component

With a fast growing population, increased pressure on its natural resources and climate change impacts everyday more present, South East Asia is at a crossroads regarding its agriculture development, calling for an important shift towards an agroecological transition. In this framework, ACTAE project has a regional focus (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) and aims at […]