This webinar is hosted by VCBN for anyone who is interested in learning more about what we can do to support agricultural value chains and how to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and listen to potentially policy considerations from four representatives, who shared their different Covid-19 perspectives. The 2nd Webinar on 5th of May […]
By Dirk Babendreier Rice is big business in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) in Southeast Asia—not only as a vital source of food but also as a crop that provides work and income for 80 percent of the population. However, despite positive developments in the last decade, millions of tons are still being lost to […]
Statement of the ASEAN ministers on agriculture and forestry in response to outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) to ensure food security, food safety and nutrition in ASEAN We, the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) express our deep concern over the outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which has affected the lives of […]
In the context of the COSTEA (Comité Scientifique et Technique Eau Agricole) project, AFEID will launch a study aiming at elaborating a general framework to organize support to irrigating farmers so as to maximize the outcomes of such activities. This study is part of a broader reflection on “Irrigation Services” held by the COSTEA and will consist of […]
Workshop “Pesticides, Agriculture and Food: Multiple and Growing concerns in Cambodia” Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 28th of November 2019 Organization committee: Eve Bureau-Point (CNRS, CNE), Kimchhin Sok (Ecoland, RUA) Bunsamkaneka Chrin (Ecoland, RUA), Heng Chenghuy (Ecoland, RUA) Organization: CNRS, IRD, Royal University of Agriculture, ECOLAND Venue: Video Conference Room of […]
This questionnaire was built in a participatory manner with different food system experts. The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Secretariat, as a partner organization of Let’s Food, support us in this initiative. We thank you in advance for your answers, do not hesitate to share this questionnaire, all the answers received will facilitate the dissemination […]
The current COVID 19 pandemic is affecting the political, economic, social, environmental and food sectors. This multidimensional threat requires an adequate response to protect the most vulnerable and marginalized group. Hereafter are useful links and articles addressing the relationship between the COVID-19 crisis and the need to transition towards sustainable food systems: COVID-19 and Agroecology […]
Background With funding from FAO, Louvain Cooperation leads the implementation of the FAO’s tool evaluation on “Agroecology Performance Evaluation – TAPE”. This project aims to test the FAO tool in Cambodia. The service will contribute to the following organizational objective “stakeholders make evidence-based decisions in the planning and management of the agricultural sectors and natural […]
Original source: Farmers and fishers are the hardest hit during this global crisis brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries decided to close their borders for the time being to contain the spread of the virus, and consequently, this affected the livelihood of farmers and fishers. Lockdowns and quarantines resulted in a lack of […]
Program description The CFLI is a program designed to support small-scale, high-impact projects in developing countries, which align with Global Affairs Canada’s thematic priority areas for engagement. The program is directed at projects conceived and designed predominantly by local partners. Projects are selected and approved by the relevant Canadian embassy or high commission. The CFLI […]