On the 16th of August 2018, over 40 participants from Government agencies, Research Institutes, National University of Laos and Development practitioners attended the Sub-Sector Working Group on Agro-biodiversity (SSWG-ABD). The meeting took place at the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) and was chaired by Dr Bounthong Bouahom, Director General of NAFRI, and co-chaired by Michael Jones, Food and Agriculture Organization […]
Do you feel that organic agriculture is a key for a sustainable and fair development in the Mekong region? Do you believe that agroecology is a promising approach to protect people’s health and the environment? Do you also admire farmers who are developing innovative agroecology initiatives? Then, help us to showcase the beauty and the […]
Workshop Objectives: The objective of workshop is to share the results of Rice – Potato – Rice rotational model; discuss about the results of study and also to get the comment to improve the study and also to disseminate the research model to practice. Time: From 8 AM to 11:30 AM of 22 June Location: […]
On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Socialist Public of Vietnam and Republic of France (1973-2018) and the 100th anniversary of establishment of the Phu Tho Agro-Forestry Research Institute (6/1918-2/2018), Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Science (VAAS) together with French Agriculture Research Center for International Development (CIRAD) and Northern Mountainous of Agriculture […]
Co-organizers Finn Church Aid (FCA) Dan Church Aid (DCA) Life with Dignity (LWD) Overview of the symposium ‘Resilience’ has been an international buzz-word for a while and has lately become an emerging global topic. Cambodia is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change in Southeast Asia and highly affected by the climatic variability. […]
On the 4th – 8th June 2018, the second Mountain Futures Conference took place in China’s Yunnan province, against the backdrop of the famous Hani rice terraces in Honghe and the rapidly growing city of Kunming. Building on the success of the first Mountain Futures Conference in 2016, the event gave participants the opportunity to […]
Seeds festival was conducted on the last day of 10th Annual Alunmi Assembly of Kalayana Mitta Foundation’s alumni at Thar Yar Chaung Village, Pyin Distinct, Nga Pu Taw Township, Ayeyarwaddy Division on April 3, 2018. Saya Bo Bo Lwin gave an opening speech, and then Saya Lisu Peter (Pyin Oo Lwin) gave a special talk […]
Gaia Green Network organized the 5th annual meeting in Nyaung Shwe Township, Innlay, Shan State on 10-12 May, 2018. Their objectives are to share information and technique about organic agriculture, to solve the problem of agriculture and to strengthen the network in Organic agriculture and PGS. There were (40) participants coming from Myitkyina, Pwint Phyu, […]
Article written by CISDOMA “Through the games, I now know to invest more wisely”, Ms. Luong Thi Doi, a farmer in Binh Lu commune, Tam Duong district (Lai Chau province) shared after attending the sessions of simulation games. These simulation sessions was supported by the project “Promoting agro-ecology transition via enhancing farmers’ analytical and decision […]
The potato is considered as a major diet in many countries and stands globally fourth just after rice, corn and wheat. As an important staple food, it contains vitamin B6, potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber and pantothenic acid. The potato is commonly found in Cambodian’s dish as food garniture, soups and […]