Expert/Evaluation Team to Perform Final Evaluation Program 2017-2021 – Eclosio Cambodia

Announcement Description In 2016, four Belgian University NGOs (ECLOSIO, FUCID, Louvain Coopération, and ULB Coopération) have decided to join forces and strengthen their synergies through the creation of the entity “Uni4Coop” and the mutual engagement in the implementation of one common program funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD). In Cambodia, the Uni4Coop Program is implemented by, ECLOSIO and Louvain Coopération (LC), and has 3 Specific Objectives (SO) tackling two sectors, Agriculture/Rural Economy and Health. ECLOSIO and LC are both involved in the agriculture and economic sector (SO1 and SO2), LC alone is involved in the health sector (SO3). Within the framework of the 2017-2021 Uni4Coop program, […]

2nd CASIC Regional Training on Conservation Agriculture & Sustainable Intensification and Agroecology

Phnom Penh, 28-29 September 2021: Cambodia Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification Consortium (CASIC) held its 2nd Annual Regional Workshop with the focus on development of and transition towards Conservation Agriculture & Sustainable Agriculture (CA/SI) and Agroecology (AE) in the region. The virtual workshop was attended about 150 participants from 28 countries. Over 20 national and […]

ALiSEA NETWORK Thematic Green Talk – the series EP.01: The results from the first thematic green talk in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam

Objectives: To strengthen knowledge and experience sharing on agroecology according to topics of interest raised by ALiSEA members; To encourage informal exchanges and foster learning among ALiSEA members; and To increase the visibility of agroecological initiatives. ALiSEA network has been held on the ALiSEA Network – thematic green talk – the series in Cambodia, Laos […]

ALiSEA network in Vietnam: Online thematic green talk on sharing knowledge on organic agriculture production – Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS)

On 24th September, ALiSEA, PGS Vietnam and Seed to table have been organized the online thematic session on sharing knowledge on organic agriculture production – Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). There were about 50 participants from research center, NGOs, International NGOs, University lecturers, young farmers…. participating in the event. The purpose of this event was to: […]

Call for communications for a virtual regional consultation on Engaging with Academia and Research Institutions (ARIs) to support Family Farmers and Food System Transformation during and post COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia

Background The food systems in the region have undergone important changes over the past decades, mostly due to rapid economic growth, increasing population and demographic shifts, rapid urbanization, rural and urban transformation, changing food consumption behavior and climate change (FAO, 2018). The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on agriculture have been exacerbated by the way […]

Consultation Meeting on MetKasekor Agriculture Extension Model

Phnom Penh, 05 August 2021: Information Technologies and Innovation for Agriculture: Consultation Meeting on MetKasekor Model, was remotely organized as a part of the United Nation’s Member State Dialogues under the Food Systems Summit 2021 Dialogues Gateway This consultative meeting sensitized the different departments of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), the Provincial Departments of Agriculture, Forestry and […]

Rapid Assessment Report to promote Sustainable Beekeeping in Cambodia

On 15th July 2021, UNESCO, in cooperation with the Civil Society Alliance Forum (CSAF) of the Office of Council of Ministers, in partnership with the Asian Cultural Council and the Asian Vision Institute, and the European Union, organized the virtual launch of the UNESCO Rapid Assessment: Beekeeping Ecosystem at Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve. The first-of-its-kind initiative […]

A methodological Handbook for the Evaluation of Agroecology: from theory to practice.

On Wednesday 30th June, GRET organized an online webinar on the occasion of the translation of the handbook for the evaluation of the agroecology in English. In total, 80 people participated in this session. Participants were ALiSEA Network Members, ASSET project partners, Members of the two Research for Development Partnership Platform : ASEA ( and […]

Significant milestone in the History of ALiSEA Network – Creation of National Board of Members: Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam

Vientiane, 31 May 2021. A significant milestone in the history of ALiSEA Network was reached towards an autonomous member-managed network with the creation of the National ALiSEA Board of Members in three countries: Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam!  The National ALiSEA Board of Members (BoM) will play a key role in supporting the network structuration, shaping its governance, building […]

Master-Farmer booklets: a new series on vegetable gardening techniques

“Agrisud International and SNV, within the framework of the ENUFF project (Enhancing Nutrition for Upland Farming Families) financed by the SDC, have published a series of manuals intended for Master-Farmers, farmers selected and trained to disseminate agro-ecological techniques to their peers. After distributing the series of manuals dedicated to the production of fodder plants and […]