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Ockenden’s main objective is to enhance livelihoods of vulnerable rural communities and indigenous ethnic minority communities. Ockenden l... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Education, Natural Resource Management, Resilience, Vocational training
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • Road 56A, Khlakon Chas Village, Sangkat Kompong Svay, Sereisaophoan Municipality, Banteay Meanchey Province, Cambodia

    Tel: +855 54 958 940/ +855 12 42 12 42

Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden

PTK is the first and only botanical garden in Laos. The main goals of Pha Tad Ke are threefold: • Biodiversity conservation through re... Read More
Keywords Biodiversity, Education, Environment, Forest conservation, Germplasm preservation, Native seeds, Native species restoration and nursery, Natural Resource Management
Operating Countries Laos
Office address & contact
  • Ban Wat That, PO Box 959, 06000 Luang Prabang, Lao PDR

Rehabilitation and Development for Cambodians Organisation (RDCO)

Rehabilitation and Development for Cambodians Organization is a local NGO working for the humanitarian activities to save the poorest people... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Climate Change, Education, Family farming
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • #I06/06, Grand Avenue, Khmounh, Sen Sok, Phnom Penh (main office)

  • Anlong Vil Village, Anlong Vil Commune, Sangkae District, Battambang Province (projects implement)

Rural Development & Sustainable Agriculture Association (RDSA)

Rural Development & Sustainable Agriculture Association (RDSA) in Attapua Province has a temporary certificate from Provincial governor ... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Education, Environment, Gender
Operating Countries Laos
Office address & contact
  • Unit 13 House number 00 Mitsamphan village Sanamxay District Attapua Province

    Tel: 030 9898511 , 030 4526775

Seed to Table

Seed to Table (STT) is a Japanese non-government organization established in 2009. Currently STT operates activities in Vietnam and Japan. ... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Community empowerment, Education, Environment, Sustainable Agriculture
Operating Countries Vietnam
  • INO Mayu (Ms)
Office address & contact

Society for Community Development in Cambodia (SOFDEC)

The Society for Community Development in Cambodia (SOFDEC) is a Cambodian Non-Governmental Organization, established in 2006 through the loc... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Education, Rural Development, Seed production, Value Chain Development
Operating Countries Cambodia
  • Dr Khun Leang Hak, Executive Director , [email protected] , tel: 855-12 718 371; 855-17 701 740

University of Battambang (UBB)

UBB is the largest university in north-west Cambodia, with the vision of providing opportunities to students living in rural areas, especial... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Agroecology, Education, Sustainable Food Systems
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • National Road 5, Sangkat Preaek Preah Sdach, Battambang City, Battambang Province, Cambodia

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: (855)53 952 905