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ActionAid Cambodia (AAC)

Our Organization: AAC is a non-profit, non-religious, and non-politically aligned organisation. The principles of a human r... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction, Gender, Resilience, Sustainable Agriculture, Women Empowerment, child sponsorship
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • #33, Street 71, Sangkat Tonle Basac, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA

    Tel: +855 23 211 461


ADDA is a Danish NGO that was established in 1994. ADDA is working in Cambodia and Vietnam and Tanzania. ADDA’s aims • Improvement... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Business Development, Civil Society Engagement, Climate Change, Food security, Good Agricultural Practice, Women Empowerment
Operating Countries Cambodia, Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • P.O.Box 93233, House# 168, ADDA Road, Salakamraeurk Village/Commune, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia

    Tel: (855-63) 761 827 , Fax: (855-63) 761 827

Archaeology and Development Foundation (ADF)

The Archaeology and Development Foundation (ADF) is a British-registered not-for-profit organization (registered charity in UK and Wales (N�... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Environmental protection, Family farming, Promotion of education, Sustainable Agriculture, Water supply and sanitation promotion
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • c/o Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient Beng Don Pa, Slakram, circa Wat Preah Enkosa, East River Road, Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia

Association Sustainable Agriculture Communities (ASAC)

It was founded by farmers and leaders of agriculture cooperatives in 2016. Firstly it was received technical support from Farmer’s Life Im... Read More
Keywords Advisory services support, Agri-entrepreneurs, Agribusiness, Agriculture cooperatives development, Agriculture extension, Agroecology, Beekeeping, Climate Change, Markets empowerment, Networking, Organic agriculture, Organic farming demonstration
Operating Countries Cambodia
  • Mr. Rin Ratana, Executive Director , [email protected] , tel: +85577 302 565, 086 871 272
Office address & contact
  • National road 1, Kandal Krom village, Banteaydek commune, Keansvay district, Kandal province, Cambodia

    Email: [email protected]

AVSF (Agronomes et Vétérinaires sans Frontières)

AVSF is an officially recognized non-profit association that works for international solidarity and that has been engaged in supporting smal... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Food security, Local veterinary services, Natural Resource Management, Nutrition, One health and eco-health, Organic and fair trade markets, Short supply chains, Value Chain Development
Operating Countries Cambodia, Laos


BIOPHAP is a social agribusiness, pioneer applying innovative technologies in organic agriculture in Vietnam that works alongside major inte... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Big data MDM, Climate Change, Ethnic minority development, Food security, Local society development, Open data system, Organic agriculture, Product traceability through blockchain, Smart consumer app, Social - Economic - Environmental Impacts, Sustainable Agriculture, Value Chain Development, Vocational training
Operating Countries Vietnam
  • Mrs. Tyna Ha Giang HUYNH DINH, Chief Executive Officer , [email protected] , tel: +84 96 97 45 939

Center for Agrarian Systems Research and Development (CASRAD)

Center for Agrarian Systems Research and Development (CASRAD) was established under Decision No. 687QD/KHNN-TCCB dated 14/7/2008 by the Dire... Read More
Keywords Agrarian Systems, Agroecology, Branding agricultural products, Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Farmer Organisation, Rural institution and development, Value Chain Development
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • Quynh Do, Vinh Quynh, Thanh Tri, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Center for Agricultural Research and Ecological Studies (CARES)

CARES is a public, non-profit educational and research institution within Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), Vietnam. Starte... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Natural Resource Management, Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture, Rural Development
Operating Countries Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • Trau Quy Town, Gia Lam District, Hanoi-Vietnam

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: +84 4 3876 5607 , Fax: +84 4 3876 6642

Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD)

CIRAD is a French research center focusing on Agricultural research for development. Based on a strong expe... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Food security, Natural Resource Management, Rural Development, Soil fertility and quality, Sustainable Agriculture, Value Chain Development, Water management
Operating Countries Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam
Office address & contact
  • Avenue Agropolis, Montpellier, France

    Tel: (+33) 4 67 61 58 00

Centre d’Etude et de Développement Agricole Cambodgien (CEDAC)

CEDAC is a not-for-profit NGO specializing in sustainable agriculture and rural development. Our center was established in August 1997, with... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Agroecology, Capacity building, Community empowerment, Ecological farming practices, Family farming, Farmer Organisation, Food sovereignty, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Organic agriculture, Rural livelihood development, System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
Operating Countries Cambodia
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Office address & contact
  • No. 91-93, Street B, Krang Angkrong village, Sangkat Krang Thnong, Khan Posenchey,

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: 855-12-447 599